something big is coming soon to this very website...

hi :P

"welcome to my decent website" - AFasterSlowpoke, 2023

This is mainly a personal website/passion project, and making this thing is my first time using HTML/CSS.
I'm also a 17 year old male (he/him) who lives in the United Kingdom.

Sign my guestbook!

shoutout to our sponsors (followers)

also shoutout to neocities, it's the thing that's hosting this very site

Hosted by NeoCities

This site is also UNDER SOME CONSTRUCTION!!!

am i supposed to add 37 GIFs here (also it's pronounced GIF with a hard G, not JIF with a soft G and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong /j /lh)


Buttons. Of course there's a section for buttons. They aren't clickable though. (credit to bonki's epic site)

As of 30th December 2023, I NOW HAVE MY OWN BUTTON, DESIGNED IN MS PAINT! Feel free to put it onto your website!

low quality YMCA